Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I have been really busy lately and haven't had time to add to my blog.  Working on finishing up my quilt book called  "Welcome to Apple Valley"  hopefully in time for Apple fest in Woodbine at the end of September.  There is also a "Celebrate the Hills" art show in Moorhead September 6th that I am getting ready for plus Second Fridays art show in Council Bluffs.  Here is another sneak peak at one of the blocks in the quilt book.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I never thought I would be a blogger but here goes.  I am a quilter.  I design and make my own quilts.   I have been told I need to market my designs and create a website, a blog, get on pinterest, etc.  Okay, so I am, or at least trying to.   I not only make quilts, but also banners and fabric art.  I also am into watercolor painting.    Here are some of my creations.  I would love some input from other fellow artists and quilters or interested people.
One of the blocks from my Welcome to Apple Valley Quilt

Banner for Church Camp    Mixed Media: fabric painting and thread painting

Sunset    Watercolor